Whether you’re trying to improve productivity on your assembly line, in your materials handling operation or in your accounting department, there are a few things that you can do that transcend functional lines and apply to almost all individuals. 

Empower – You hired people to do a job. Let them do it! When is your dog happiest, when it’s constricted on a leash, or running freely in your back yard. Give your staff barriers, and let them experiment and operate on their own. Make sure they know the rules and don’t let them abuse them. But if you hire the right people, you might be surprised if you let them do their jobs their way. We are in no way suggesting your employees are dogs, just making a simple, but relevant analogy.

Inclusiveness – You’ll be surprised with the input you’ll get if you ask. Much like a golf scramble works. In more foursomes none could shoot even par for the course, but combined, four 15 handicappers can shoot below par. Why is this and how is this possible? it’s simple, you’re taking the best of each person on each shot. Now imagine all that latent potential in your employees. Are you utilizing it?

Appreciate – The words “thanks” and “you’re doing a great job” go a long way, but how often are they heard? Like many relationships, time can do damage the gentlemen and ladies we once were. So make a point to appreciate your employees efforts and inputs. Mix it up, have pizza parties, send cards, make announcements, but be sure it’s sincere. Employees can smell smoke a mile away.

Each one of your employees has a lot of potential. It’s up to us to find it and put it to work for the productivity and profitability of our companies. And the best managers know how to dot and get the most out of each and every one of them. Good luck, and thanks for reading!